In this blog I want to let you know why we brought The Finisher to the studio, and it’s not just to rub our evil hands as we watch you huff, puff, crawl, and fall through it. There are a ton of benefits you may not even have realized yet…
But First, What is a Finisher?
A BOMB Finisher is a series of intense exercises performed at the end of most classes to make sure you’ve drained every last bit of energy from your body, and in turn this will elevate your body’s fat burning potential. For example, our first challenge was a 2km Strider Sprint, followed by 20 Jump Squats, then 10 Inchworms with a Push-Up. The Finisher is time-based, and completely optional!! So what are the benefits?
Metabolic Conditioning
The Finishers are designed to shoot your heart rate up so that you keep burning calories long after your training session ends. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. It’s designed to give you a quick, and explosive total body workout to burn fat. Due to the speed of the Finisher you won’t sacrifice muscle mass, nor will it negatively affect your personal fitness goals.
Mentally Challenging
If you took part in our first Finisher (2km Strider Sprint, 20 Jump Squats, 10 Inchworms), you’ll know how hard it was to keep your legs moving once that lactic acid attacked your legs just 40 seconds into the Strider Sprint. The Finisher will bring out your competitive side, whether that’s against yourself or someone else, and for that reason alone you’ll be able to mentally push yourself further than you thought you could.
Try and look outside the box here! I know that’s hard to say that after you sprawl over the floor post-Finisher but we've had more chitter-chatter, heckling, friendly bantering, and cheering going on at the studio than ever before. A bit of a competition to beat a trainer’s time doesn’t hurt anyone either.
But the main idea is not about beating one another’s time, or beating your trainer’s time. It’s about challenging, and improving YOU! Make it your challenge this month to complete the finisher and get your name and time on the board. THEN try to beat it. Don’t worry if you don’t quite manage it. Each time you complete the challenge, you will move further up the path to becoming fitter physically, and mentally. Results = Hard Work + Consistency, and the Finisher will help you get there.
But First, What is a Finisher?
A BOMB Finisher is a series of intense exercises performed at the end of most classes to make sure you’ve drained every last bit of energy from your body, and in turn this will elevate your body’s fat burning potential. For example, our first challenge was a 2km Strider Sprint, followed by 20 Jump Squats, then 10 Inchworms with a Push-Up. The Finisher is time-based, and completely optional!! So what are the benefits?
Metabolic Conditioning
The Finishers are designed to shoot your heart rate up so that you keep burning calories long after your training session ends. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. It’s designed to give you a quick, and explosive total body workout to burn fat. Due to the speed of the Finisher you won’t sacrifice muscle mass, nor will it negatively affect your personal fitness goals.
Mentally Challenging
If you took part in our first Finisher (2km Strider Sprint, 20 Jump Squats, 10 Inchworms), you’ll know how hard it was to keep your legs moving once that lactic acid attacked your legs just 40 seconds into the Strider Sprint. The Finisher will bring out your competitive side, whether that’s against yourself or someone else, and for that reason alone you’ll be able to mentally push yourself further than you thought you could.
Try and look outside the box here! I know that’s hard to say that after you sprawl over the floor post-Finisher but we've had more chitter-chatter, heckling, friendly bantering, and cheering going on at the studio than ever before. A bit of a competition to beat a trainer’s time doesn’t hurt anyone either.
But the main idea is not about beating one another’s time, or beating your trainer’s time. It’s about challenging, and improving YOU! Make it your challenge this month to complete the finisher and get your name and time on the board. THEN try to beat it. Don’t worry if you don’t quite manage it. Each time you complete the challenge, you will move further up the path to becoming fitter physically, and mentally. Results = Hard Work + Consistency, and the Finisher will help you get there.