Welcome to our first blog post! With this entry we want to let you know more about us, our views on fitness and how it affects all areas of your life, and finally our vision for the studio. Going forward, we’ll have blog entries about all areas of wellness and our instructors will also be jumping onboard to give you tips about their respective discipline. Hopefully you’ll find our blogs fun and informative.

_ Kevin and I first met in a corporate gym in downtown Toronto.   I was the fitness coordinator and he worked for the “man”.  After luring him down to our basement gym and breaking the initial barrier of only understanding every second word of his strong, brogue accent, I quickly discovered that his passion for fitness spanned far beyond what I would expect from someone working in finance.   I didn’t have to sell him on the benefits of exercise, and in fact we still continue to talk about how adding just a few minutes of exercise to your daily routine can affect every aspect of your life in a positive way.  It wasn’t long before Kevin and I joined forces to spread the word outside of the dungeon that was our corporate gym.

BOMB Wellness (Bodies…Only Managed Better) first began as a mobile-only service offering personal training and nutrition to people in their homes, condos, or anywhere that we could find. After gallivanting around the city meeting with clients leaving Kevin to deal with the logistics, we quickly realized that we needed a home base; and what a better location than at the end of our street!

Our master plan is to create a space that’s inviting enough even for people who don’t like exercise.  Granted, some of our equipment and classes are not commonly available elsewhere so it takes a little bit of getting used to. Until we post our own YouTube videos, the only way to learn about it is to come to a class.  We’re not trying to turn everyone into an all-star, we just want to get you together and get you moving!

When we chat with people about their fitness regime a lot of responses are “I don’t have time to work out.” Kevin’s response to that is pretty much – “tough luck, make time” but in a much nicer way of course! Everyone knows a healthier lifestyle leads to a longer life in most cases but it also improves the quality of life you have. Balanced with a great diet, you’ll have more energy around your family and friends. Rather than slouch in front of the couch watching TV for four hours a night with them you’ll be able to do more productive, worthwhile activities even if it’s just for a couple of hours.

Finally, we want to help build and change people’s views about our community. A lot of people outside this area believe the nice part of the Danforth ends at Pape. In some ways it might look like that with too many convenience stores and many shops appearing vacant and run down. Hopefully BOMB and other places such as the Patisserie, Morgans and Red Rocket all opening up around us will help brighten up the area and have many more residents investing and participating in their own community.

We’re looking forward to running a successful, local, modern fitness centre and hope that you’re as excited as we are.
See you at the studio!

Victoria & Kevin

26/1/2012 08:44:49 am

what a wonderful introduction of yourselves and B.O.M.B. I honestly did not know it stood for something and actually when you think about it quite powerful. I applaud for following your dreams.

8/2/2012 06:37:07 am

Welcome to the neighbourhood! I look forward to checking you guys out soon.

25/9/2012 02:33:44 pm

What a commendable work you have done, with simplest of language. I can’t resist myself to leave a comment and trust me it’s hard to impress me.


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BOMB Wellness - Toronto, Danforth, East York, Leslieville, Riverdale, Fitness Studio, Group Exercise, Personal Training, TRX, Yoga, CPR, Massage Therapy, Fitness Blog